Friday, January 19, 2018

Welcome 2018

My 2018 Guidelines.

My 2017 New Years Resolution was a success. It made a difference in my life. from better to much better. I just want to share with you my 2018 New years resolution.

2018 New Years Resolution
  1. be consistent
  2. keep bullet journal
  3. read daily devotional
  4. read Sabbath school lesson
  5. pray daily
  6. give tithes and offerings
  8. save money(from 2017 new years resolution)
  9. lose weight(from 2017 new years resolution)
  10. avoid loans(from 2017 new years resolution)
  11. budget properly(from 2017 new years resolution)
  12. exercise and stretch
  13. avoid meat and unhealthy food
  14. memorize the books of the Bible

I know right? Why are there some resolution from 2017..
I managed so far to make a difference on those aspects, I just wanted to pursue it a bit more.

wish me luck.

If you have a really nice list of resolutions, share it with us and be a part of change.

thank you for reading
God bless you.

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