Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Daily Disciple January 4, 2018 -Tip the Waiter

The Daily Disciple
How to become fruitful
By James H. Park
2018 Daily Devotions for Adult
January- Discipleship
Week 1 - January 1-6 2018
Feed on God’s Word

January 4, 2018  

Tip the Waiter

“I am the bread of life.” John 6:48.

Have you experienced the pleasure of being waited upon by a knowledgeable and attentive person at a restaurant? It really feels great. Well, next time you sit down to feed on God’s Word, I highly recommend Jesus-the very best Waiter in the universe.

First of all, Jesus is always very glad to see me take the time to eat at His restaurant. He welcomes me in such a positive and gracious way that to humbles me, and I have to confess that it has been much too long since I have eaten at His bountiful table. As He leads me to a quiet and sunny place, I noticed that there are unfortunately many empty tables just waiting to be filled with Hungry people.
Jesus always anticipates my every need. He knows just what I am hungering for. He helps me to choose just the right thing from the very extensive menu and the food is truly out of this world. I don’t see how this Waiter does it, but every time I eat there, He also always calmly sits down and shares the, meal with me.
When I insist He has other, more important people to wait on. Jesus gently tells me that I alone am His favourite customer and He is always staring out the window, anxiously anticipating my next visit.
The end of the meal is always my favourite time, for it is time to tip my favourite Waiter. I take out my wallet, my schedule, the deed to the house, and everything that I have and give it to Him. It is not near enough to pay for the meal but I am so happy, sitting there in perfect peace, well-fed and full of His grace.

“By the way, Jesus, could I please have a take-out bag? I know that I will want to share this great food with others during the day.”

I would like to hear your experience or testimonials.
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