Friday, January 19, 2018

Three months of blogging :what I've learned from my 2017 blogging experience

I have been blogging for three months already, and this experience is one of the best in my life.

My 2017 blog post are:

Product Review

My blogs

I also have posts with affiliate marketing but I thinks I don't have to include it here.

My 2017 blog post
  • my gun start. it ignited my passion to write
  • my passion poured like water from a bucket. I poured my best to the extent that I overreacted, I felt the need to fill it with too much words.
  • my goal was to make a min. of 500 word per post.
  • fill it with at least 4 original pictures

What I've learned is that

  • too much words can bore a reader like me. Yes!! my blog was too much to take especially the silka-papaya-soap-review. It was so long and overly decorated. Well I forgive myself, for it is my First ever product review.
  • It took me too much time to post a blog,because I was afraid to post a blog with 300 word or less review or post.
  • I didn't post a blog with out pictures, except for journey-to-fairer-whiter-and-beautiful for it was my first, my blog post.
  • I was always hesitant to post un-prepared .
  • My goal was to post three times a week. Because I was afraid that I might run out of ideas to blog about.
  • My theme is a bit pink and not really view friendly.

This 2018 will be a different approach. I will leave behind FEAR, ANXIETY,OVERACTING and HESITATION.

Expect a new me.

  • you will be seeing post here more often.( yesterday I posted 4 blog with out really planning it.)
  • less words. Concise and direct.
  • less Pictures..... maybe.(I cant really assure that.. I love Pictures so much.)
  • I will work out on a better theme for a better viewing experience.

If you have your 2017 blogging experience, share it with me. I would like to hear them.

If you have read this, Let me know.
Thank you and God bless.


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