Thursday, January 18, 2018

Is having New Year’s resolution really effective?

When I was in my High school, we were asked what our new year’s resolution was and were asked to write something about it. I didn’t really believe in it. I thought that it was all just a scheme for students to have a purpose or something to write. It only changed last 2016, when a speaker at our church talked about resolutions.

It is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise their life.(

So before the end of 2016, I decided for myself to give it a shot. So this is my

2017 New Year’s resolution  with rating.
Rating from 1-10. 1 being the worst and 10 the most successful.

1.     Practice professionalism.............................................7
2.     Avoid loan...................................................................5
3.     Budget properly..........................................................3
4.     Keep track of household expenses.............................3
5.     Analyze the average monthly expense.......................3
6.     Keep the regular house hold Routine.........................8
7.     Lose weight ...............................................................8
8.     Be more patient and loving .......................................8
9.     Be kinder....................................................................8
10. Save money................................................................0
11.Understandmy husband .............................................8
12.Keep a healthier lifestyle ...........................................8

This set of Resolution was for me the things I really must try to have and avoid.

Did it help me? find out at my next blog.

I would also want to hear about your story on how you made your first resolution.

Thank you for reading. and let me know if you have read this, just comment below and please do share.

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