Friday, January 19, 2018

Intermittent fasting

to lose weight is one of the most popular resolution to many people.

Was I successful?

I guess loosing 10kilo is successful enough.
For a woman like me who really cannot work out,  weight loss will be really hard.

I tried jogging, but instead of loosing, I gained really big.

I almost gave up on this dream of loosing weight until I read about Intermittent fasting. I wast very religious at following it until a weight loss competition was formed  between our co-workers. It gave me the reason to follow it strictly.

I was already fasting with a 16 hour once a week for 3 months already. Then I tried it for three times a week until I do it everyday.

Fasting in general has many health benefits.
I eat with an 8 hour window period and fast for 16 hours.

I felt lighter, and stronger. I fell less sleepy and my body pain lessened.

I know.... You may raise your eyebrows but its true. Just try it for yourself.

For the first and second week of the process, you would really feel the struggle. you will fell hungry and tempted. but please please please, don't give in. If you successfully passed this two weeks of struggle, you are good too go.

If you also have effective weight lose technique, I would love to hear it. 
and let me know that you have read this by commenting below.
Thank you and God bless.

1 comment:

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