Thursday, January 18, 2018

Understand my husband #11, 2017 new years resolution

and Yes.

Its true, Understand my husband was a new years resolution I made.

Was it effective?
It was. From 1-10 of our relationship status since 2016 up to 2017
I rate 2016 with 3 being near the worst. by the way he is not the problem. its the "us" problem.

We always fight. When he shout, I shout, when he talks I barely listen to him. He is such a nagger.

When I made this as a resolution, I always remind myself to "understand Him."

I told myself, I must change for things to change. So when he talks, I keep silent, until he is done, even until few hour have passed, I kept silent. He noticed it and apologize for being such a nagger.

That very simple act, change our relationship status from 3 to 8 near perfection.
I am not bragging about this. Try it for yourself, and see how things change.

If you keep on doing the same thing, you would always get the same thing.

 If you what to change things, Change first.

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