Monday, January 15, 2018

The Daily Disciple - January 1, 2018 -How to make Manna Tasty

The Daily Disciple
How to become fruitful
By James H. Park
2018 Daily Devotions for Adult
January- Discipleship
Week 1 - January 1-6 2018
Feed on God’s Word

January 1, 2018  Monday

How to make Manna Tasty

 “Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your Word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts.” Jeremiah 15; 16.

          When I and my family are looking for a place to eat, we don’t really look hard; anywhere is good as long as the food is tasty.
          Looking for tasty food is the same with reading the devotional. Often times we don’t get interested because the manna is not very tasty. In the following blog post are some very practical suggestions on how to transform a bread-and-water type of devotional meal into a real feast!

SET A DEVOTIONAL TIME- No reservations are ever required to eat at McDonald’s or another fast food place. In fact you don’t even have to get out of your car!
Could it be that this same hurry-up-and-eat-right-now attitude is being carried over to our devotional lives as well? In the same way that hurried eating results into poor digestion, could it be that we are unable to absorb the Water of life if we hurry trough our devotional time?
If we want the Water of Life to sink deeply into our lives, then we must have a go,go,go mentality.
Now just where are we going to find time to have our devotional meal?
First of all, we should determine to give the best of our waking moments to Jesus. That means we need to find the time during the day when we are most awake and alert. While some people have found that the first thing in the morning is when they are most awake, others don’t really get started until later in the day.

Make your devotional time to be with Jesus when you are most likely awake, least likely disturbed and before you are swept away by the rush of the day.

What do you think about your personal relationship with the Lord? were you eating manna to fast, and had indigestion?
I would like to hear your experience or testimonials.
Just comment bellow.

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