Friday, January 5, 2018

The necessity of forgetfulness # be inspired

The necessity of forgetfulness
By pastor Genesis Garcia
Manila Centre Adventist Church
January 3,2017 Midweek
Inputs by DM (My belief and point of view)

Brother and Sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do : forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus
Philippians 3:13,14

Memory is the most valuable faculties that we posses.

Our memory makes us who we are and who we are going to be.  The knowledge and experience we gain molded us and guides us in the path we are taking, without our memories, we are just like a newborn child.

One of the greatest sources of Joy is our Memory.

Having memories gives a the chance to recall and reminisce the events and situations in our life that gives us great deal of information. Being able to recall the happy memories in our life gives us joy and happiness.

Like a coin, Memory has two sides to.

Our memories, in general have two faces. It can be a blessing or the other way around. Being a blessing or a curse depends on our point of view. A good memory isn’t always a blessing and a bad memory isn’t always a curse.

Negative Memory is a Devil we need to defeat. 
Negative thoughts can destroy us.

What are negative memories? Is it the bad memories?
I believe that the bad memories aren’t always a negative memory. Negative memories are the ones that give negative effect on our life, even in the present. This are the memories that trigger anger, envy, jealousy, hatred, fear, anxiety, depression, confusion and many other negative feelings. This negative memories that trigger negative feelings can lead us to danger and even death. Eliminate negative memories before it eliminates us.

1.     Some needs to forget their Past success.

Our success in life can give us pride and confidence and other uplifting feelings. Having succeeded in one point in our life is not the basis of our life; it is a mere event that can add to our value in life. Lingering to past success can lead us to believing that we are great, we are higher than others. We may fail, we may fall, and standing up so high can cause great damage if we fall. Let us be humble always and keep our feet on the ground.

2.     Some needs to forget past failure.

Our failure is one of the greatest teachers we can ever encounter. We learn a lot from failures and most of the greatest people I know have failed a lot in their life. Failure must cause a positive effect or result in the future, but if our failure makes us weak, makes us feel down and depress. These memories of past failure must be eliminated and discarded from our system.

3.     All of us needs to forget our FEARS..

Fears have ups and down. Fears and worries make us prudent. Fearing the future makes us plan, and making us plan, makes us organized and us being organized leads to a more safer and practical ways to face our life. This fears, I believe are moderate and can be considered rational. I am not justifying the term fear but merely stating the fact. Fear of Death, Fear of hunger, Fear of losing a job, fear of accidents. These facts are normal to a person. Fearing these irrationally makes us psychotic or mentally un- hygienic. We must eliminate these fears and trust in the Lord.  Let us give our life to Him and let him do what he plans us to be. Fears are to those that do wrong.

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  Hi! I am DM Born in 1988 in the City of Manila, but raised and grew up in the province of Marinduque.  I have passed the Civil Service E...