Monday, January 15, 2018

How blogging changed my life 2017

Welcome to my blog site

 I am "DM"/ Diona, and I would like to invite you to my journey to a Happy life.

I started blogging Last October 2017 and this was one of the greatest decision I have ever made, Procrastination was my friend and he really pulled me down.

Blogging was a dream ever since 2014 and I can’t seem to start. I always surf the net for quality information and tips and this one Vlog really changed my life (I'm sorry but I cant really recall who's Vlog it was).  He said on his Vlog "all you have to do is start, it doesn't matter if you are not yet ready, what is important is you started".

That day I "un-friended" my friend Procrastination and it felt perfect. That very day I posted my first Blog about myself, it was a very short narrative and there are no pictures. After a couple of days, I posted my very first product review about Silka papaya soap.

I wasn’t really ready back then, I don't have my own Pictures and I just borrowed from the net.

I showed my blog with my sister and one of them said that I can be sued by using others pictures without credit. So I credited the site and went Home to take my own pictures. The following day, I updated my blog and change the picture with my own pictures.

Blogging changed my life in many ways. I found a new purpose that made a difference in me. I thought to myself, "goodbye to my mediocre life and welcome to the new me"

This blog site will be full of quality information, from tips and tricks, beauty products and my experience with them, places and food, and the most important of all is, the daily Bread of Life. Messages from our Lord Jesus Christ.

I want to be able to make a change to this world.
To make it a better place.

Join Me.

and be a part of Change

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  Hi! I am DM Born in 1988 in the City of Manila, but raised and grew up in the province of Marinduque.  I have passed the Civil Service E...