Monday, January 22, 2018

my 2017 bullet journal

My Bullet Journal 2017

I really love taking notes, keeping a diary, listing lists. and all sort of writing. I've been keeping a diary/ journal ever since high school (2002) but I just recently (Nov.2017) discovered this fun way of keeping a journal. It is really motivating and really really fun.Its not the typical black and white journal. 

There are more designs, drawings, and you can use different ball pens, colored pens, stickers, and markings. This approach makes me want to write and update it everyday. Your schedules are organized and everything you want to do will be there.

the to do page.

to buy page

to study page

random notes

November daily entry

December daily entry 

my tools

December blogging schedule

Bullet journal helped me a lot with organizing my schedules and keeping my daily records.
How about you? do you have a nice idea for a bullet journal?
share it with us
and be a part of change.

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