Thursday, May 3, 2018

Aim for Longevity|

I am a  Seventh Day Adventist.

Being and growing in a family and community of Adventists has a big advantage specially in terms of healthy life style.

We have so many restrictions and limitations when it comes to eating,  how to eat,  when to eat and what to eat.

When I was young I didn't really understand this factors on health. Eating 3 times a day with fruits, veggies and other forms of food  was the routine I thought was enough. . But I was wrong .

Reaching my age of 30 having 3 kids gives me this fear of sickness and pre-mature death. Fear of this things are normal, but not to a "mother"..

According to (EGW) Ellen G. White.
The mother is the one responsible for her kids sickness and pre mature death. Her food preparation is the culprit..

Learning this Fact gives me the itch to look for the book Written by EGW.

Given the present technological advantages. I was able to download the Mobile application EGW which consists of all her writings that was guided by visions and dreams from the Holy Spirit and God Himself. I found the book  Councils on Food and Diet
Reading makes me bore so I looked for the Audio Book. 

I always Listen to the Audio book every day.
when I'm eating
when I'm doing a household chore
taking a bath
walking and even sleeping.

The words are deep, sometimes I don't understand. but I believe that when I listen to it over and over, the message will be embedded to my subconscious and eventually when I read it I will fully understand.

I, living with a vegetarian mother was thinking that we are healthy enough to be called healthy. but I was leading my household to a roughly only 40% of the 100% Health standard of the EGW Councils on Diet. 

Join me on my journey to the EGW Councils on Food and  Diet.

Visit the Seventh Day Adventist official website at
and the Seventh Day Adventist Philippines official website 

#health #food #diet #EGW

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