Monday, January 29, 2018

Mumuso moisturizing collagen toner #review

As we all know Mumuso is one of the stores where you can buy almost everything specially beauty products. and toner is one of them.

What is Toner?
refers to a lotion or wash designed to cleanse the skin and shrink the appearance of pores, usually used on the face. Toners can be applied to the skin in different ways.

* this is not a sponsored post. 

it comes in a 300 ml bottle for 149( I'm so sorry I cant really remember)
this bottle has been sitting in my shelf for three months i use this regularly but I take a break whenever there is a break out. I use Bellic Peal and Glow toner and Eskinol White to dry my pimple.

This toner is different from other toners. it has a milky thick consistency. 

all the information are written in hangul, but no worries this product is FDA approved

the expiration date can be found under the bottle. it is clear and visible.

I like this toner specially when my face really feels dry and sensitive. I cant use other toner in conditions like that because it's painful. 
How about you? have you tried this toner ? do you have other toner experience?
share us your insights and let us make this world a better place.

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