Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Daily Disciple - January 2,2018 -Look Over the Menu

The Daily Disciple
How to become fruitful
By James H. Park
2018 Daily Devotions for Adult
January- Discipleship
Week 1 - January 1-6 2018
Feed on God’s Word

January 2,2018  

Look Over the Menu

Give us Day by day Our Daily Bread”. Luke 11:3.

CHOOSE A QUIET PLACE- The second thing we need to do to have a devotional life is pick a quiet place to eat our spiritual meal. Daily devotional times are to be like sitting beside an intimate meal with us, so pick a quiet time and place.

LOOK OVER THE MENU- If you have ever been to a true ethnic restaurant, you know how daunting reading the menu can be. Chinese menus are especially famous for being extremely long. Many people face a similar dilemma when they look over  the extensive menu the Bible has to offer. Here are some suggestions about how to begin or enhance your devotional reading:

·       Ask the Waiter: Just as a good waiter will guide you in making your selections,  the holy spirit has been promised to guide us in our search for truth and spiritual growth (John 16:13). Try to have a plan that gives you many days of consistent reading so you don’t have to daily search for something to read.

·       Proverbs 1:31: One area of the Bible that I have found particularly interesting is the systematic reading of the 31Chapters of Proverbs. If you are wondering what to read on the sixth day of any month you can read the sixth chapter of Proverbs ads so forth each day of the month.

·       The Gospel of John: The gospel of John is another good place to have devotional readings. There are many wonderful stories here, including the Wedding Feast of Cana ( John 2); the meeting with Nicodemus (John 3) and the Woman at the Well (John 4)

·       Devotional Books/ Sabbath School Lesson: There are many wonderful devotional books specifically written for many different groups of people (Including this volume on Discipleship). These books are carefully crafted to provide daily portions of Scripture. Studying the daily Sabbath School lesson can also serve as an excellent devotional book.

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