Friday, March 3, 2023



Hi! I am DM

Born in 1988 in the City of Manila, but raised and grew up in the province of Marinduque. 

I have passed the Civil Service Exam on May 27, 2013. I am a content creator both in Youtube and in I create informative video content and write product reviews.
I worked as an Administrative Assistant in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. And was an Online English Tutor too.

I enjoy coffee and music. I love gardening and taking pictures. I enjoy watching movies and T.V. Shows. I play the flute and and ukulele. Good books and poetry is my friend.

I believe that everything works together for good.  and always remember that there is always a rainbow after a rain.
Smile and Enjoy life, because we don't know when it will end. Love and be Loved.

Diona Mercylyne P. de Belen-Sapunto
#60 Kaliraya St. Tatalon Quezon City
Postal 1113
Phone: +63 9327006870/+639053932011

Professional Examination Passed

Civil Service Exam May 27, 2013

Work Experience 


Online English Teacher November 15, 2018-present

        Teaches English to Chinese students

        Prepares lesson memo

        Prepares materials for the lesson

        you can also visit this site to view  samples of my lessons.




Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Ecosystems Research Development Bureau

Science Research Technician I June 11, 2018 to December 31, 2019

        Gathers data trough one on one interview and group interview.

        Encodes data to SPSS

        Prepares monthly report

        Prepares reimbursements and documents related to the project.


Department of Environment and Natural Resources-

National Capital Region

Records Assistant (Finance Division) January 2015-June 10, 2018

        Computation and preparation of some Contractual  Payrolls and other claims

        Circulation of documents and claims

        Recording, encoding, sorting and preliminary checking/scanning of documents and claims for processing.

Records Assistant (Surveys and Mapping Division) October2013-December 2014

      Responsible of

        Surveys and PLA’s Master-list.

        Office documents (Filing, Sorting, Releasing and receiving.)

Records Assistant (Surveys and Mapping Division) July-October 2013

        Responsible of the Surveys Master-list.

Data Encoder (Surveys and Mapping Division) January- June 2013


Budget Assistant (Finance Division) October-November 15 2012

        Releasing, Receiving, Encoding, and Computation of TEV.

Records aide (Surveys and Mapping Division) November 19-December 2012

        Inventory, Sorting and Grooming of Documents.

Chinese General Hospital and Medical

September 6, 2011 to December 6, 2011

EDP section of the Accounting office

        Responsible of patient’s document’s (Charge slip, Dr.’s fee, Hospital Charges and the likes.

        Filing, sorting, tagging and discharging patients electronically.

Burlington Industries Philippine Inc.

HR Assistant -Intern

December 2010 to February 2011

        Assisting on the day to day form (sick leave, leave, gate-pass, list of requirements.

        Administering, evaluating, and interpreting of Mental Ability and Personality/ Psychological test.

        Does preliminary Interview/ Screening.

        201 filing and sorting of resume

        Clerical works, filing and encoding.

        Reviewing employees current work status, Background Investigation.


Doña Josefa Jara Highschool

                    Guidance Staff- Intern

                    December 2009- March 2010

        Clerical assistance, test administration, scoring/interpreting, preliminary counseling, filing of students documents.


Plainview Custodial Home

Intern – January to February 2009 


The world is being transformed by a fourth industrial revolution. Sometimes referred to as Industry 4.0 or I4.0, the fourth industrial revolution takes the digital revolution a step further. The technology at its center—large-scale, low-cost automation and machine intelligence—has the potential to affect how we learn, work, move, communicate, and interact. This lecture-based series reviews the disruptive changes underway in science and culture and their impact on the future. Learn about the main technologies that are emerging, including artificial intelligence and blockchain, and their effect on cities, industries, and people. Dr. Jonathan Reichental also explains how people can take action to ensure Industry 4.0 doesn't leave anybody behind.

Learn how to take a human-centered approach to design by exploring the methodology known as design thinking. In this course, Randall Elliott explains how design thinking is used to empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test, and refine. He covers what the purpose of each phase is and how to apply it to your planning and design processes. He also shares examples and practical uses of the underlying concepts. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with methods you can implement to uncover the needs of your customers, define findings, derive insights, and create innovative solutions.

Think you're not creative? Think again! Creativity is a skill—one you can develop with practice. And all it takes to start flexing your creative muscles is an hour of your time and our own Creativity Bootcamp. In this fun, hands-on course, creative director Stefan Mumaw guides you through five interactive training exercises that will help you (and a partner!) boost your creative output and produce even more innovative ideas. You'll explore some common misconceptions about creativity, learn the hidden value of the "stupid idea," and, through the course of the exercises, discover the three bootcamp commands for energizing your creative process.

Technology is changing the way we teach, and Google's leading the charge. Google Classroom is the latest offering from Google Apps for Education. It gives educators access to a free tool that's already seamlessly integrated with Google Drive, and is designed to simplify elearning, including paperless assignments and grading. In this course, staff author Oliver Schinkten explores how to create and administer a brand-new course in Google Classroom. He covers adding students, sharing content, communicating with students, creating assignments, and integrating with other Google Apps. Plus, get a look at Google Classroom from the student perspective: Oliver simulates what it's like to join a class, take an assignment, and communicate with a teacher.

Blended learning is all about the students: combining instruction with digital resources to help increase student achievement and engagement. In this course, Chris Mattia explores the various aspects of blended learning, and provides guidelines to create a blended classroom that meets students' diverse learning needs. The techniques rely on technologies such as Google Apps, Android and iOS devices, video, learning management systems (LMSs), and open-source tools such as WordPress to promote sharing and collaboration. Watch and learn how to use blended learning to create dynamic, engaging, and student-focused lessons.

Negotiations aren’t just for salespeople and politicians—they play out every day at home, at work, and even at the grocery store. In this audio-only course, author and professor Dr. Victoria Medvec explains why everyone should negotiate more often and what holds people back from asking for what they want.

Learn common fears faced by amateur and expert negotiators—and get strategies for conquering them. Victoria offers proven techniques (The Five Fs) that maximize the odds of achieving a winning outcome. Her insights include: the advantages of making the first offer, ways to effectively frame the issues at hand, and how to remain flexible so you can build the relationship and your credibility. Also, hear about the huge mistake employees make when they don’t negotiate with their current employer to create mutual wins.

With LinkedIn Learning, anyone can gain new skills. We offer expert-led, anytime training that you can take at your own pace, with tools and features to fit almost any learning style. Use this course to discover how you learn best and how LinkedIn Learning can help you set and achieve your personal and professional goals. Staff author Oliver Schinkten shows how to use LinkedIn Learning alongside cutting-edge, brain-based research to pinpoint the skills you want to learn, find the training to reach your goals, and make the knowledge stick. Discover which skills are in demand and how to showcase what you've learned on LinkedIn.

While the concept of group ideation isn’t a modern idea, the term “brainstorming” wasn’t communicated as a formal creative process until advertising legend Alex Osborn detailed the process in 1948. While brainstorming is still the dominant technique when it comes to idea generation, brainstorms often fail before they ever begin. Why? Because the organizer doesn't have a clear picture of the purpose, process, or intended outcome. In this course, Stefan Mumaw brings brainstorming into the modern age, with rules and techniques to help you set up and run more effective creative brainstorming sessions, including what to do before, during, and after each session. He details everything from group ideation dynamics to brainstorming techniques like idea webbing, time boxing, and story structures. By the end, you’ll be armed with everything you need to run an effective brainstorm session and extract the most and best ideas from those involved.

Explore how to switch your training strategy to digital, empowering employees to access training when they need it and where they need it. This course covers digital training options you can implement at your organization, including tools like videos, podcasts, wikis, forums, and mobile apps. Learn how to digitize your pre-existing offerings instructor-led training (ILT) resources. Find out how to leverage just-in-time learning content. Discover how to overcome common challenges with going digital. Get tips for how to pursue social and collaborative learning, perhaps via Yammer, Slack, or Microsoft Teams. Finally, learn how digital learning can be put into action by addressing concerns and partnering with leadership.

With LinkedIn Learning, anyone can gain new skills. We offer expert-led, anytime training that you can take at your own pace, with tools and features to fit almost any learning style. Use this course to discover how you learn best and how LinkedIn Learning can help you set and achieve your personal and professional goals. Staff author Oliver Schinkten shows how to use LinkedIn Learning alongside cutting-edge, brain-based research to pinpoint the skills you want to learn, find the training to reach your goals, and make the knowledge stick. Discover which skills are in demand and how to showcase what you've learned on LinkedIn.

Need to quickly transfer your face-to-face class to an online learning environment? In this course, educators Ashley Kennedy and Oliver Schinkten help you successfully make the jump to online learning, sharing strategies for taking what was great about your in-person course and making it work in a virtual classroom. Ashley and Oliver demonstrate how to break down your existing syllabus, and then offer you a step-by-step guide for moving that course online. Learn about the process of incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous virtual learning opportunities into your new virtual classroom. Explore strategies for dynamic communication, collaboration, and assessment that can help you keep your students engaged. Along the way, Ashley and Oliver share tools and strategies that can help you shine as an online instructor.

In this regularly updated course, instructor David Rivers covers the latest features added to Microsoft Office 365 including Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint, and new apps added to the Office suite. Find out how to use the new natural language query feature in Excel, translate email text from a foreign language in Outlook, rehearse slideshows in PowerPoint, and draft a document with your voice in Word. This course is updated on a regular basis; check back often to get up to speed with the latest features.

Yänjaa Wintersoul is a triple world-record holding memory athlete (like a spelling bee champion, but for memory) and one of just 22 International Grand Masters of Memory. In this course from Knowable, she teaches the same mnemonic techniques that pros like her use to access, retrieve, and retain information with more speed, consistency, and confidence. Learn Yänjaa’s tricks of the trade like the “ABCs of memory,” “the memory palace,” and more to train your mental muscle, think more efficiently, and (hopefully) never waste time looking for your keys again.

The ability to present yourself and communicate well is crucial in any work environment. In this course, adapted from the podcast How to Be Awesome at Your Job, learn how to build on your presentation skills to gain a competitive advantage in your career. Professional speaker Diane DiResta shares tips and tricks for leveling up your presentations and boosting your executive presence. Learn how to craft your presentations around what’s important to the audience to ensure that you're only sharing the most impactful information. Discover how to shift your focus away from yourself to conquer your fear of speaking. Plus, get strategies for ensuring that your body, tone, and words are giving off one consistent message; planning for your worst-case scenario and establishing recovery strategies; handling tough questions; and more.

Did you know it takes just 20 hours of practice to learn anything? Whether it’s a new language, instrument, craft, or something else, 20 hours is all you need to start building new skills. Join Julia Furlan and Josh Kaufman, bestselling author of The Personal MBA and The First 20 Hours, for a crash course in learning lightning speed from Knowable. Learn Josh’s framework for deconstructing your learning goals, researching their sub-skills, creating the right conditions for “deliberate practice,” getting over the hump of the challenging first few hours, and executing your learning plan with speed, precision, and discipline. By the end, you’ll be prepared to learn anything — 20 minutes a day over two months is all it takes.

The creative process isn't just generating ideas. The reality is it's a five-step process, and ideation is only one of those steps. The entire creative process is made up of objective finding, data gathering, problem design, ideation, and selection. Understanding the role of each step enables us to ensure that we generate the most effective solutions. In this course, Stefan Mumaw guides you through the five steps and then shows what the complete process looks like, with a real-world project: designing a website.

Learn how to take a human-centered approach to design by exploring the methodology known as design thinking. In this course, Randall Elliott explains how design thinking is used to empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test, and refine. He covers what the purpose of each phase is and how to apply it to your planning and design processes. He also shares examples and practical uses of the underlying concepts. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with methods you can implement to uncover the needs of your customers, define findings, derive insights, and create innovative solutions.

Learn how to take a human-centered approach to design by exploring the methodology known as design thinking. In this course, Randall Elliott explains how design thinking is used to empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test, and refine. He covers what the purpose of each phase is and how to apply it to your planning and design processes. He also shares examples and practical uses of the underlying concepts. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with methods you can implement to uncover the needs of your customers, define findings, derive insights, and create innovative solutions.

With LinkedIn Learning, anyone can gain new skills. We offer expert-led, anytime training that you can take at your own pace, with tools and features to fit almost any learning style. Use this course to discover how you learn best and how LinkedIn Learning can help you set and achieve your personal and professional goals. Staff author Oliver Schinkten shows how to use LinkedIn Learning alongside cutting-edge, brain-based research to pinpoint the skills you want to learn, find the training to reach your goals, and make the knowledge stick. Discover which skills are in demand and how to showcase what you've learned on LinkedIn.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Eye care review (3 Angels Polyclinic| Review/testimonial)


A true and honest review as always for you.
We know that every clinic claims that they provide high quality and with numerous variants of products, especially in eye care. 

but the question is.... what made the other stand out from the others???

Hi my name is DM, and today I will give you a quick and honest review on one of the best eye care clinics I have ever been.

It is called the 3 Angels Polyclinic; I am not really sure on how many eye care clinic branches they have but we went to their branch in Common Wealth. It is located in the vicinity of the Common wealth market. You can visit my channel to see how we got there.

I have been to several eye care clinics before and I have been checked by several ophthalmologists too. But what impressed me the most here is that they were the only clinic who got the perfect grade or lenses that my eye needs, I don’t really know the right term. But they were able to provide me with the glasses that satisfy what my eyes need; I can see far and near without removing the glasses.

                                                  affordable       photo-gray
                       under the sun                             inside under artificial light

They also have a wide variety of frames and lenses; transition, multi-colored, and many other. The staff and ophthalmologists are very accommodating and warm. They will give you the best option and give you friendly advice with regards to eye care.

I was impressed with their mission to help others in need, they are very generous in giving discounts to their fellow workers in God’s mission.  They started to offer their service as missionaries and with God’s help they were able to expand their service and was able to open more than 4 branches from as far as Laguna to Valenzuela.



The issue I consulted to them is my astigmatism, my left eye has a problem, but my right eye is perfectly fine. According to a website called the all about “Astigmatism is a type of refractive error caused by the irregularities in the shape of a person’s cornea. In this condition, the eye fails to focus the light equally on the retina leading to blurred or distorted vision. It can be present at the time of birth, or can develop gradually in life” 

                                                                         YUMMY AND NUTRITIOUS 

They say that my issue is correctable by wearing corrective glasses, and that was the case. I wore the glasses and it eased my head ache and dizziness, I am really happy that this was the first time the glasses really did help my condition.

For those who wanted to check the services that they are offering, you can visit their website and also their Facebook page.

Featured Post


  Hi! I am DM Born in 1988 in the City of Manila, but raised and grew up in the province of Marinduque.  I have passed the Civil Service E...