Monday, November 27, 2017

Skin Mate Shark Oil #review

      Whitening and Fairer skin is one of the priorities of almost every woman. Alongside of it goes the acne problem, blackheads, whiteheads and scars from pimples. Finding the right product is hard and you must really go on the process of trial and error, in my search of pimple scar removing product(peeling agent) this product came my way.

      I have used other Whitening/Peeling product but I can’t seem to stick with it. One day in the office I saw my office mate’s face slightly peeling, then I asked her. “ are you using ********?” and she said “No. It’s SKINMATE SHARK OIL”. Then another product was added to my Journey to Whiter and fairer skin.

picture was taken from


        Effectively treats pimples, blackheads and other skin blemishes such as freckles and age spots. SKINMATE SHARK OIL guarantees to whiten darkened and burnt skin caused by excessive use of harsh whitening agents.



      The product is in oil form with yellowish color.

picture was taken from


The product comes in a one size 30ml, glass bottle. It is enclosed in a sealed white box.

I'm not really that into that kind of bottle.


      This product is just in lined with my saying “ Beauty in Cheap and affordable products”
      It only cost me 100php for an effective product.

Cheap and affordable


      The smell is mild, maybe because it’s Oil. There is no astringent and alcohol smell on it.

not strong


      The peeling isn’t really visible unless you put on some powdery product on your face. For a few days, you won’t notice much peeling, but you would see that your face seems a bit dull. Don’t worry, after the peeling cycle is complete, radiant and brighter skin awaits you.

no stinging effect


      I use this product to help lighten my facial scars and pimple marks.
I apply it to the scars and dark spot every other night. When I first use this product, I apply it to my entire face and it felt bad. My entire face become dull and the worst was, the sensitive part like the skin between the lip and nose, the skin under the outer part of the nose whole become red and itchy.

·      Apply it every other night
·      Apply some moisturizer every time the affected area feels dry
·      When you feel that your face has had just enough application, give your skin a couple of days to rest and if some of the dry skin did not come off. You can safely and gently rub it with a sugar scrub.
·      Always, always and never forget to moisturize. ( I use the Mumuso Aloe VeraMoisturizing Gel and Mumuso Snail Moisturizing Gel).

·      Applying it every night
·      Forcefully removing the dried skin
·      Applying powdery product
·      Rubbing the face in its sensitive stage


      I bought this at Mercury Drug store Fisher Mall. Its available at any Mercury Drug store nationwide.


      This is my current exfoliating product favorite, so 

I’ll definitely buy again.

It’s always important to look for the expiry date.
easy to find



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